Rajeev Gandhi Memorial
College Of Engineering & Technology
Autonomous Institution
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi
Affiliated to JNTUA Anantapuramu
Counselling Code:


Consultancy Services

List of Consultancies for the Last Five Years

Department wise areas for consultancy services
Civil Engineering(CE)
  1. Design of RC and Steel
  2. Linear and Non-linear analysis of structures
  3. River & Canal modeling
  4. Design of Rural water supply, Open or Under ground drainage
  5. Estimation and Costing for Civil structures
  6. Site Investigation
  7. Soil Testing
  8. Solid waste management
  9. Destructive & Non-Destructive Testing
  10. Water and wastewater Quality Analysis
  11. Sound Pollution Survey
Electrical and Electronics Engineering(EEE)
  1. Design of Various power electronics converters
  2. Multi- level inverters
  3. P.V based grid side, Converters, wind energy conversion systems
Mechanical Engineering(ME)
  1. Internal Combustion Engines
  2. Composite Materials
  3. CNC (computer numerical controlled) based Turning & Milling
  4. Solar Thermal System development and testing
  5. Energy Auditing
  6. Food Processing
Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE)
  1. Design and development of Graphene based On-chip interconnects and Devices
  2. Design of Carbon nanotube and Graphene nanoribbon VLSI Circuits
  3. Design and development of CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) based circuits
  4. Design Automation, field analysis, algorithm and product development
Computer Science Engineering (CSE)
  1. Deep Learning (Artificial Intelligence)
  2. Cloud Computing
  3. Image Processing
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Android Apps Development
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  1. Human Resources Management
  2. Entrepreneurship Development
  3. Marketing & Finance
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Training & Development