Rajeev Gandhi Memorial
College Of Engineering & Technology
Autonomous Institution
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi
Affiliated to JNTUA Anantapuramu
Counselling Code:


Grievance Redressal & Appeal Committee

The functions intended are:

  1. To receive the Grievances from faculty, staff and students/parents.
  2. To find the facts of the grievances.
  3. To suggest remedial and preventive measures.
  4. To review the suggestions/complaints raised by the students during periodical counseling.
  5. To review the outgoing students feedback.

Grievance Redressal System

  1. Certificate
  2. Grievance Redressal Portal

Present members of the Committee

Committee type Appointment Order Reference Number Name of the Committee Member Profession Associated with E-mail address Designation Department
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Dr.T.Jaya Chandra Prasad Principal Dept. of ECE jp.talari@gmail..com Professor ECE
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Dr. J. Sofia Priya Dharshini Associate Professor in ECE Dept. of ECE jspd1810@gmail.com Associate Professor ECE
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Dr. D Satyanarayana Professor in ECE Dept. of ECE satyadonthi@gmail.com Professor ECE
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Dr. K Thirupathi Reddy Professor in ME Dept. of ME kotatreddy@gmail.com Professor ME
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Dr. D. V. Ashok Kumar Dean Administration Administration rgmdad09@gmail.com Professor EEE
Grievance Redressal RGMCET/PRO/CIR/OMB/GRI/57/2022 Sri. G.V.N. Prasad Advocate gvnprasad99@gmail.com Advocate
OMBUDSMAN University Nominee


  1. To receive complaints, if any, from the lady staff and lady students who have been subject to sexual harassment.
  2. To keep all records intact and in proper order of the complaints received.
  3. To enquire into such complaints and establish the facts.
  4. To keep an elaborate process document of each such case describing the methods adopted and the settlement reached in solving the problem.